If you have a small budget for your wedding, one way that you can save money is with free invitations. Free invitations can come in several forms, and you do not have to sacrifice your wedding’s style to get them. Free invitations will still allow you to maintain your color scheme, design and overall feel of your wedding.
1. Electronic Invitations (Online Wedding Invitation)
Electronic invitations are the only completely free way to send out your wedding invitations. Because you design and send your invitations online via guests’ emails, you won’t have to worry about the printing or postage costs that are associated with printed invitations. There are several websites that provide you free e-cards template to customize such as Evite and wedding-invitation-ideas.com provide. Another useful part of sending out electronic invitations is that you can instantly know how many people are coming to the wedding, who they are, and what food they will be eating.
2. Templates
Many websites, such as Hoover Designs and Southworth, offer free wedding invitation templates. If you prefer to have printed invitations, they will never truly be free because you will have to pay for the postage and stationery, but with downloadable templates, you will save a lot of money on your invitations. You will need card stock and envelopes, which can be bought at stationery or office supply store for less than $40, to print your invitations. You will also have free reign to design the invitations the way you want them to look.
3. Buy Some, Get Some Free
Websites that specialize in giving discounted prices on wedding invitations, such as 50freeweddinginvitations.com, save you money on your invitations because you get many of them free. If you don’t want to have to design your own wedding invitations, this is the perfect service for you. You will have a wide range of invitation styles to choose from.
4. Free Wedding Clipart
Free wedding clipart is a wonderful way for brides and grooms to create their own or embellish existing items for their weddings. For those on a budget, using free graphics and a little of your own creativity can go a long way to save money on your wedding.
Both traditional and contemporary free clipart images are available in wedding themes. Some of the most popular types of images and themes include: Bride and Groom Images, Wedding Bells, Wedding or Engagement Rings, Doves, Hearts, Wedding Cakes, Wedding Cake Toppers, Champagne Glasses, Flowers and Bouquets,… please visit http://weddings.lovetoknow.com to get more unique ideas on your wedding day.
Source: ehow.com and other resources.